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Shanghai scientists invented fire-resistant nano rope super

Article source:http://www.trcables.com   author:上海嗨润   Release time:2017-06-08 15:57   Browse times:second

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  The day before Zhu Yingjie, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Silicate Research Institute researcher led the research team developed a refractory flexible nano hydroxyapatite rope. The "fireproof clothing" woven with this kind of nano rope has higher biological safety than traditional fireproof fiber such as asbestos and aluminium silicate fiber, and does not harm human health, and does not cause environmental pollution.

  The main material of fireproof clothing consists of hydroxyapatite, which is mainly composed of human skeleton and teeth. This kind of material of high temperature resistance, no burning, the biggest drawback is the hardness is too high, "fracture", "Yi Ya broken", try to help Ha "exceed" has been the frontier science and technology global materials scientists continue to explore. After many years of painstaking research, Zhu Yingjie team took the lead in the development of hydroxyapatite ultra long nanowires, effectively solve the high brittleness of hydroxyapatite material problems.

  In fact, the research team invented the method is very simple, only need to be made in advance of hydroxyapatite nanowire long slurry prepared by syringe injection into ethanol, the preparation process by "self assembling" fast automatically. Zhu Yingjie told reporters that the outstanding advantages of this method is simple, fast, controllable, friendly environment, easy to batch preparation, can effectively solve the problem of hydroxyapatite super long nanowires easy to reunite. At present, the weaving direction of the prepared nano rope can be controlled by the direction of the injection needle, and the diameter of the nanometer rope can be controlled by the size of the injection needle, and the length of the nanometer needle is long."

  Zhu Yingjie told reporters that the high brittleness of hydroxyapatite material is different from the traditional, nano hydroxyapatite nano wire rope by long prepared and fabric with high flexibility, can withstand any bending folding or hammer and other destructive test. In addition, compared with the traditional asbestos and aluminum silicate fiber, fireproof material, hydroxyapatite has biological safety, more environmentally friendly, will not cause environmental pollution and harm to human health, is expected to be applied to the new refractory materials, flame retardant textiles, fire insulation materials, special medical gauze, such as making fireproof clothing etc..